It’s a wrap!
The first online edition of The Fashionable Espresso Club is over!
We spoke about:
- Creativity and Curiosity
- Sustainable E-Commerce platforms
- Social listening
- Sustainable Fashion Start Ups
- Lockdown Coronaviruses Youtube stars
- The state of the industry
- The potential of China
- New technologies for fashion: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
The full webinar series is in the Linkedin group of The Fashionable Espresso Club.
Please join us and bring your own cup!
Thank you very much to all our guest speakers for the insightful conversations:
Marina Savarese
Ludovico Durante Staiy
gianandrea facchini Buzztech
Iris Skrami Renoon
Marco Crisci
Jiaqi Luo
Amrita Maria Obsess
Next edition coming soon!
Thank you The Student Hotel for hosting the conversations.