What scares the most the fashion system today?
The economic crisis?
The retail shutdown?
The new customer attitude?
No, it is scared by change
And it wants to go back to “a new normal”…
But is it normal that fashion, the most hectic and supposedly creative industry is unwilling to drive change and desperately agonizing for getting back to the glorious past?
Why the fashion industry abandoned the pioneering spirit that made its success, the unstoppable quest for beauty and the will to inspire people just to get stuck in an ivory tower of privilege and self-referral?
Because it cannot allow to lose privilege and established positions.
Because diversity and inclusion are just superficial beliefs.
The fashion industry is losing its appeal because it is giving up on understanding the reality.
When I read things like this –
“If the current crisis has taught us anything, it is that new for the sake of the new is just a PR stunt; that the urge for senseless change is a toxic marketing trick”
– written on one of the key media in the industry by one of the brightest minds (Angelo Flaccavento on BoF) I think that something risks to go very bad.