Are we sure we can require from luxury and fashion a total rethink of their own organization, supply chain and volumes? Immediately?
Are we sure that, apart from the entrepreneurs who can make statements AND take decisions at the same time, who can take risks fully aware of the consequences of their decisions, who are not obliged by the Stock Exchange and eager shareholders, like Giorgio Armani and CHANEL, the industry can afford a dramatic U turn because the world has changed?
I am not talking about if this could be right or wrong, I am just saying if this is feasible or not…as you expect it…
Everybody now is an expert promoting “change” while until three months ago was a great fan of the status quo.
Dear experts, do you realize that companies today are just radically cutting costs (which is the only thing they are able to do, due to the iper-rigidity of the system)?
It will take 10 years to manage this downturn.
And only the open minded (or the well established) will survive.